Saturday, August 14

Zero days and 16 hours to go

1:37 AM.

Saturday night or Sunday morning, whichever you prefer.

Parkersburg, WV in my green painted bedroom

Currently listening to The Microphones- The Moon

Keeping the best company one could ask for, Mr. Aaron Dawson

Tomorrow is the big day. I’m moving nearly 3,000 miles from home, to a place I’ve visited once, and I’m okay with that. My car is packed, though I’m sure tomorrow afternoon I’ll have to do some rearranging, my poor Honda Fit has no idea what it’s gotten itself into. I’m feeling great outside of the fact that I know tomorrow is going to kill my parents. They’ve both already cried at least once, and in all 22 years of my life I’ve never seen my dad cry, it’s a bigger deal to them than I thought. Dad would prefer if I didn’t leave to begin with and it makes me sad to know that I’m the cause of his unhappiness, but I just can’t stay here any longer, it’s time for a change.

So we’re really down to the wire now, only 16 hours left till my brother and I hit the road. This isn’t going to be an easy transition, but I know it will be good for me in the end. I’m anticipating learning a lot about myself this year and totally ready to dive into new hobbies and learn new trades.

But seriously, let’s not stray from the focus of this gargantuan move that I’m about to make. All I’m sayin’ is that if I didn’t completely believe in the Gospel of Christ and all of the things that the Bible says I wouldn’t be doing this, I mean, I couldn’t do this. I’d probably just chill in Morgantown with my friends. But I do think that what Jesus said, what he preached and how he lived makes a ton of since. So, I hope that somewhere along the line someone I meet can make since of it too, and if they don’t, it’s still going to be a stellar time.

I’ll be sure to keep you posted.


  1. You should blog while you're on the road!!

  2. Molly, you are in our thoughts and prayers! God is going to do great things in you so in the words of Sidewalk Prophets: Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope. We are glad to have the blog to keep up with you!
    God Bless. John and Annette
