Tuesday, August 3

Oh, Haruki Murakami...

12 days to go.

Currently I’m in Borders in Parkersburg drinking some Seattle’s Best, and guess what, the barista gave me a large coffee on accident, instead of the medium that I ordered. Yay! I would say that this is the highlight of my day, but I would be lying to you because guess what else? Today I finished my first Haruki Murakami book, Sputnik Sweetheart.

Oh. My. Gosh. I love this man.

I owe Aaron Dawson a special thank you for turning me on to his writings and then also Andrew Slater for telling Aaron, and then whoever told Andrew, so on and so forth.

So I ended up coming to Borders this evening to snatch another one of his books, Kafka On The Shore, which is supposedly way better than Sputnik Sweetheart. I’m already through the first few chapters, so far so good.

It’s so unreal to me that I’ll be living in Washington in 12 days. Throughout the summer I’ve seen myself go through days where I think, “How can I move so far away from so many people that I love?” But then other days I’m ready for the adventure, and ready to meet more people that I can learn to love just as much, you know, without replacing, or forgetting, my current inner circle of friends. Over the past week though I haven’t thought much about being sad or saying goodbye. It’s strange. Nearly seven days of pure excitement and no uneasy feelings about the big move at all. I guess this means I’m ready!

Now, back to Kafka On The Shore

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