Saturday, July 17

37 days.

I think it’s time that I started to count down till the big move: 37 days.

Time has really flown by this summer. Watching Lyla has been one of the greatest joys in my life, and as time goes by I am realizing more and more how much I’m going to miss watching her grow and getting to spend so much time with her.

Only 37 days to go and I’m not even half way to my support goal. It’s totally stressful. I played a worship set and spoke at Lubeck Community Baptist Church in June and got most of the money that I currently have. I’ve had a really hard time getting people to respond to my support letters that I’ve sent out, and it’s pretty discouraging.

Luckily, today I got two contacts of pastors in the Parkersburg area that may be able to help me out, so I’m really praying hard that our conversations will go well this week, and they can help me financially this fall. I also talked to a friend in Parkersburg who knows of a church in Huntington that may let me come and speak the first of August, so that’s good. I only have four Sundays left so I don’t know how I will fit all of this in, but God is going to work it out and in the mean time I’m trying hard not to stress.

On a happier note… I found out recently that I get to have lunch with Pastor Mark Driscoll in Washington toward the end of August. If you don’t know Mark Driscoll, you should. I first heard him speak my junior year of college with two of my best friends, Jordan Stone and Sara Matheny. The talk was called Enjoy Your Life and it was all about loving the Lord and enjoying His creation. It changed my view on God a lot, and made me love Him even more. It really showed me that God is totally not distant from us, that He loves spending time with us and that He has created this whole world out of love and wants nothing more than for us to enjoy it.

Anyway, I got hooked on listening to Mark’s sermons and have been listening to him ever since. He’s is one of the biggest mentors in my life, even though we’ve never met. I look up to him a ton and I can’t believe I’m going to get to meet him. It’s super exciting! I’m probably going to go off telling him how great I think he is and thank him so much for living such a busy and hectic life so people can hear of Jesus. I’m sure I’ll sound like an idiot, but I don’t even care. I’m going to meet Mark Driscoll!!!! AHHH!!! =) haha.

Speaking of great things… I had a fabulous weekend. I got to spend time in Parkersburg with a few of my best friends from college, Sarah Johnson (Sij) and Sarah Yopp. We ended up saying our goodbyes to Sij, which was sad, but I’ll see meet up with her in December. She is moving to Orlando to work with Campus Crusade for Christ and the Jesus Film, and I’m sure the next time I see her we’re going to have so many cool stories about what God has been doing all over the country and throughout the world.

After Sij left I couldn’t sit around cause I would just cry, so I cleaned my moms entire house. (lawlz) I worked from 1-8. I went through all my stuff to prepare for a garage sale this weekend. I found some fun things from freshman year, like pictures and what not, and it was pretty sad. I can’t believe that it’s all over, it’s just now hitting me I think. So I packed up a bunch of boxes and stored them in my closet. Whenever I go to move all I have to do is pack my clothes and I’ll be set. I can’t believe it. It hardly seems real to me. Nonetheless it’s an exciting time and I’m ready to explore the Northwest. I can’t wait to see those beautiful mountains!